Sunday, May 31, 2015

Trying to stay healthy!

So, Hubby and I are starting on a new fitness journey/health adventure. We have decided to try to get healthier not only for us, but for our son and for hopefully a better chance in conceiving!

It's been extremely rough trying to lose weight for me with all the crap I have medically wrong with me. If I work out, I'll lose at most 10 pounds, then when I stop working out for a few days, I gain it all back. It's so hard to lose weight but it's so darn easy to gain the weight.

With PCOS, it's ridiculously annoying to try and lose weight. It makes you feel like a failure. You try and try to push yourself to lose weight and when you do, you get so excited and happy. Then after just a couple of days of rest, you could start to gain it back slowly but surely. Losing five pounds and keeping the weight off is a chore within itself, but I'm willing to do anything to stay healthy.

Okay, so we are now going to be cutting out a lot of foods in our diet and hopefully that will help with the jumpstart on a more rapid weight loss. I have to give up rice. I love, love, love rice. I'm Asian. Of course I do. But we will be giving up a lot of carbs and cutting out sugars. Wish us luck!!

I have found so many great recipes in one of my cookbooks, so I figured that after I make the dish I will go ahead and share a picture of it and my review on how it tastes to you guys! You are more than welcome to try the recipe as well. Of course, I will credit the chef to whomever the recipe belongs to.

This next week will be hard since Hubby will be gone for a week on a business trip, but as soon as he gets back... IT'S ON! lol I'll be able to cook some dishes that look delicious and we'll be getting healthy as we do it! Hubby will also be exercising once every day. I am limited on what I can do because I gained the weight so fast that the doctors have advised me to just do resistance training for now. Nothing with my knees yet because they are afraid that my rapid weight gain will affect my knees. Hopefully I can lose some of this weight so that I can start being able to jog or run eventually :) As of right now, I can bike sometimes and I love to walk. I'm loving that the weather is finally getting nicer so that I can take K out for walks more and more.

Well, I hope you guys will follow me on this journey as well and let me know if you have any recipes we could try as well!!

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