Monday, May 25, 2015

IUI #2 continued... FAIL ;(

So, I got the news from the doctor's office yesterday that we will have to cancel the cycle. For some reason my estradiol levels started dropping. Here's what happened...

Day 6: Went in for my regular bloodwork and u/s check. Had numerous follies at 7 mm. Estradiol level was at 55. Looks okay. A lil smaller and lower than what they were expecting, but we could work with it. Was told to continue with 225 IU and come back in on Day 8.

Day 7: Same symptoms as before, except my skin on my face has become extremely dry. My face was looking a dry and blotchy. Gained another two pounds. *sigh

Day 8: Early morning dr's appt. Bloodwork and U/S done. Estradiol levels upped to over 100, so they doubled! (which is a good thing, but it should've been higher than this) But my follies barely grew. They were only at 8mm. Should've been at least 9-11 mm. Boo! Same symptoms. But since the estradiol level upped, they said to continue the 225 IU and come back on Day 10.

Day 9: Tired and still gained weight again. Nothing else of significance to report though.

Day 10: *Sigh early morning B/W and U/S. U/S showed that the follicles didn't even increase in size. They were remaining at around 8 mm. It should have been way higher by now. They said they will call me when the estradiol levels come back and we will go from there.

...the phone call. Estradiol levels actually dropped to 60+. It's not supposed to do that. It's supposed to keep doubling in numbers. Something is wrong. Cycle is cancelled. This is becoming depressing. I've never had issues with the follies not growing. I've always had follicles growing right on track. Heck, sometimes I would have 6 or 7 growing on track. What do we do? They said to stop all meds and we will re-group when my next cycle starts. We will go on from there on what steps to take and what meds to take.

I'm so lost and confused as to what is wrong this time. It could be the adenoma messing with my hormones, but it could be something else or it just could be that my son was seriously the biggest miracle that will happen to us. He could very well be our only child. What I do know is that I will not give up without a fight. I will keep trying and trying unitl they tell me that I can't or should not try anymore. I was given a miracle once. Maybe we will be granted another miracle.

We can only hope, right? Baby Dust to all of you whom are trying. I'm still here for you, whenever you need me.

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